Wasatch Hollow Park Interviews

The efforts of community residents were instrumental in the formation of the Wasatch Hollow Community Park.  The following interviews discuss the contributions of local residents, organizations and Salt Lake City government in creating what we have come to know and love as "the Hollow".

Susan Lyman Whitney

Whitney Susan portrait


Susan Whitney lived at 1739 Rosecrest Drive from 1978-2015. She represented the Wasatch Presbyterian Church during the formation of the Wasatch Hollow Community Park.

Read more: Susan Lyman Whitney

Ivana and Darl Thomas Interview


Ivana and Darl Thomas live at 1564 Emerson Avenue.  They were involved in formation of Wasatch Hollow Park from 1987-1990 as volunteer members of the park design committee.

Read more: Ivana and Darl Thomas

Craig Hibberd

Craig Hibberd

Craig Hibberd and wife Anna Cordes lived at 1572 Bryan Avenue from 1986 - 2001.  They were active in the formation of Wasatch Hollow Community Park.

Read more: Craig Hibberd Oral History