Helen Campbell Patterson Interview
Helen Campbell Patterson was born in 1929 and raised at 1647 S 1500 East until 1952. She has lived in our community her entire life.
Audio Interviews
Here are two interviews with Helen regarding her years growing up in the neighborhood. To accompany the interviews, Helen has provided interesting documents, photos, and most notably, home movie clips from 1932-33 which show what the neighborhood was like and some of the activities of its youths.
The interviews and related files are shared with the written consent of the interviewee under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
(Note: Index times are approximate. Variations in browsers and operating systems may cause some timing discrepancies. Please use the audio player controls to fine tune the section you're interested in.)
Interview 1 (12:55)
Summary and Index (clicking this link will open a new browser window. To return to this page, click the tab at the top of your browser)
Interview 2 (1:11:08)
Summary and Index (clicking this link will open a new browser window. To return to this page, click the tab at the top of your browser)
Photos, Videos, and Documents
The following photos and documents were provided by Helen. To see the large version of a photo, click on the thumbnail. To view a video, click on the player. To see the associated annotation, click on the link. To view a document, click on the document name.
Institutions and Landscapes
Institutions and Landscapes
Emerson Heights looking East
Vintage Dairy Box
Clinker Grabber
Video 1 Overview and Annotations
Video 2 Overview and Annotations
Video 3 Overview and Annotations
- Growing up in the Neighborhood, 1932-1947
- Businesses and Residences
- Family Home, 1647 S 1500 E
- Family Home purchase documents
- Garfield School class photos, 1937-1941
- Garfield School sale
- News clipping, 1942
- Irving High School Band and Orchestra program, 1943
- WWII Stamps